We’ve all been told before that sleep is important, and that we should be getting the right amount of it, but what are the real benefits of sleeping enough every night? Is it as powerful as everyone claims to be, or can we afford to get the odd poor night’s sleep here and there?
Well as it turns out, getting consistently good sleep every single night has some pretty powerful benefits, which is why we’ve made a list of 11 lucrative ways that improving your sleep can help with issues that many of us face.
If you’re eager to learn the benefits of getting enough sleep, read ahead to find out how it can help you!
1. Weight loss
One of the key benefits of good sleep is that it can help you with your weight loss goals. Studies on the relationship between weight gain and sleep have shown that overweight individuals are more likely to suffer from unhealthy sleep habits and that people who don’t get enough sleep are 89% more likely to become obese.
These findings are based on hormonal influences, a lack of motivation from sleep deprivation, and increased caloric consumption to combat fatigue. When you are lacking in sleep, the hormones that influence your appetite become skewed and, as a result, you will likely consume more calories if you’re tired.

2. Improved cognitive abilities
Another benefit of a good night’s sleep is its ability to boost your cognitive function, making your brain healthier and more alert.
The right amount of sleep can work wonders in improving your memory, perception, attention, and much more. There have been various studies indicating that people make more performance-based errors when sleep-deprived, and some studies have compared the effects to those we experience when intoxicated!
Memory has also been found to be affected by sleep deprivation, with children and adults experiencing improved recall and comprehension following an adequate amount of sleep.
Our brains need rest to work efficiently and effectively, so we’re always much sharper after sleeping well when compared to not getting enough sleep.
3. Reduced risk of stroke and heart disease
Evidence suggests that a lack of sleep can influence major health risks, including heart issues and strokes. A benefit of sleeping well is that these conditions are much less likely to surface.
A study on cardiovascular health and sleep found that people getting less than the recommended 7-8 hours of nightly sleep were more prone to developing these issues later in their lives. While one late night likely won’t be enough to affect your health badly, it’s a good idea to stick to healthy resting habits to reap the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
For more information about staying in good cardiovascular health through better sleep, read our other blogs about sleep apnea and how a lack of sleep affects your heart health.

4. Boosted mood and reduced depressive symptoms
Sleep is incredibly helpful if you’re looking to boost your mood. Since depression and sleep deprivation are closely linked, it has been found that a good night’s sleep benefits your overall mood and well-being.
Depression often comes with a number of sleep-related issues, which can lead to problems with your physical health if left unresolved. By getting a sufficient amount of sleep, you can effectively enhance your happiness and feel emotionally better throughout the day.
5. Improves your social savviness
One interesting benefit of sleeping is that it allows you to function better socially. Specifically, sleep appears to be important when it comes to recognizing and registering emotions in others. In essence, sleep deprivation can leave you feeling apathetic and emotionless.
When you’re lacking empathy and emotional perception, not only will you find it difficult to interact with others and relate to them, but they’ll likely find it hard to relate back to you as well.
Sleep, therefore, becomes important in regulating your social abilities as much as your mental abilities. If you want to sharpen up your communication and boost your empathy, getting more sleep might be the answer.

6. Reduces inflammation
Inflammation can affect us both in early and later life. There is a wide range of reasons why it can come about, but did you know a lack of sleep is a potential factor?
In particular, insufficient sleep has been heavily linked to inflammation in the digestive tract. Sleep analysis can even be used by doctors to predict future inflammation problems!
With better quality sleep, you can reduce the risk of inflammation and reduce the risk of relapse if you’ve had it before, so make sure you get yourself a good mattress for a good night’s sleep.
7. Boosts your immunity
Do you find yourself getting colds and getting sick on a regular basis? It may have something to do with whether you’re getting a good enough night’s sleep.
Some research has found that you could be three times as likely to catch a common cold when you’re running on less than 8 hours of sleep. The less sleep you get, the worse your immune system will be when it comes to fighting disease.
Even the slightest loss in rest can weaken your immune system, so make sure you’re reaping the benefits of good sleep so you can start the day healthy!

8. Stable blood sugar
During deep sleep, the glucose in your body begins to drop and gives you a bit of a break from constantly breaking down sugar. Without enough sleep, your body could be stuck in this function permanently, which may result in the development of type 2 diabetes.
When you’re in bed, you should try to reach deep sleep for as long as possible, as this will allow your body to have the necessary break it needs.
9. Longer life
With all the issues that come along with not getting enough sleep, it may come as no surprise that getting insufficient sleep can result in a lower life expectancy.
One huge benefit to sleep is that it can effectively add years to your life if you’re getting between 7-8 hours a night. According to research, older women getting less than 5 hours of sleep a night died earlier than those getting more.
As well as all the early issues that can occur with sleep deprivation, it’s not hard to see how it can have an effect in the long term. If you’re looking to get the most out of life, it’s important you get your rest.
10. Improves physical performance
If you’re an avid gym-goer or maybe an aspiring athlete, you’ll be interested to know that improved physical performance is another benefit of sleeping well.
Sleep is crucial for getting fit, and getting a good night’s rest can significantly boost your muscle-building and athletic efforts. Sleep can help you repair muscles, so if you’re not getting enough rest after a good workout.
Additionally, if you’re lacking in sleep, you’ll be less likely to stay motivated when keeping up with a fitness regime and diet. This can spiral out of control and cause other issues with your well-being.
As well as adequate sleep, ensuring your joints and muscles are supported during your slumber can also help you feel better after intense exercise. Utilising orthopaedic mattresses is a great way to help support your bones and posture during the night. It’s worth checking out their benefits if you’re after peak performance.

11. Reduces stress
Find yourself incredibly stressed on a day-to-day basis? One more benefit of sleeping is that it can reduce your stress levels and leave you waking up in a better mood.
While we sleep, our body regulates various important levels of chemicals and hormones. Our bodies struggle to maintain the right levels without enough sleep, leaving us feeling stressed if we’ve underslept.
If you have a high-pressure job, sleep is essential if you’re looking to remain calm and collected when completing your tasks. Make sure you get a good rest and you’ll be able to tackle the day with a level head.
Get better sleep with MattressNextDay
Whether you’re looking to improve your mental health, physical health, or general quality of life, everyone can benefit from better sleeping habits in one way or another. By maintaining regular times for sleeping and waking up, following a night-time routine, and avoiding bad sleep habits ahead of your bedtime, it’s easy to find time for a healthy sleep schedule.
If you’d like to invest in better quality sleep, why not browse MattressNextDay’s wide collection of mattresses with flexible delivery options? With a variety of materials, brands, and sizes available, we have the perfect mattress to suit you!
Plus, now you know the benefits of sleeping, you can discover more tips on how to do it well in our Snooze News section.